SC to FLA – Why Read the 100 VOICES Blogs on the Primaries??

It looked like a done deal to lots of folks who are paid to make authoritative calls on such things.  Chances were slim, they said a week ago, that Gingrich, Perry or Santorum could stage a comeback in the South Carolina primary that took place last Saturday.  It’s heard of, but none of those campaigns appeared anywhere near as strong as Romney’s given the current playing field with its corporations=people, money=free speech rulebook. Enter… Read More

Change in the Year of the Dragon – Checking in from SFO

Gong Hey Fat Choy!  A most auspicious New Year to each and all. I just saw the link to an International Business Times article on my friend Valerie’s facebook page.  She put this quote from the article in her post, “The Dragon is larger than life and its appearance means that big things are to come.”  Then she wrote, “I can get into that! :)”  Me, too! So here I am 500 miles down… Read More

What am I Doing Here? OCCUPYING CHANGE.

Here we are.  In crisis.  Together. The truth of the oft cited Chinese logograph for crisis is that it holds two characters, one connoting danger and the other signifying a point of uncertainty, a critical moment, a point of profound and unsettling change.  This is vastly more realistic than the more New Age rendition that misattributes the notion of opportunity to the second character. We are in crisis.  These years are more… Read More

Here Comes New Hampshire — Time to Launch the 100 VOICES Primary Commentary

I want to see this country back to using its head.  Just common sense.  I’ve known some Congressmen and other people in Washington. They all kind of shrug their shoulders.  I have a Congressman friend I asked, “How many Senators and Congressmen do you admire for their intelligence?”  This man is very, very sharp.  He said, “About 20%.”  He said there are more idiots sitting in the Senate and in Congress than… Read More

Write Brain Change — guest blog by Dave Jarecki

Back in October I got a call from Dave Jarecki.  He had been assigned to me by the Lewis & Clark College Chronicle — the alumni magazine of the college where I’ve been a professor for well more than 20 years.  I was happy to know my school was pleased with the publication of 100 VOICES – AMERICANS TALK ABOUT CHANGE and wanted to have an article following its release.  Dave and I… Read More

On the Cusp of 2012

You Reading This, Be Ready Starting here, what do you want to remember? How sunlight creeps along a shining floor? What scent of old wood hovers, what softened sound from outside fills the air? Will you ever bring a better gift for the world than the breathing respect that you carry wherever you go right now?  Are you waiting for time to show you some better thoughts? When you turn around, starting,… Read More