What am I Doing Here? OCCUPYING CHANGE.

Here we are.  In crisis.  Together. The truth of the oft cited Chinese logograph for crisis is that it holds two characters, one connoting danger and the other signifying a point of uncertainty, a critical moment, a point of profound and unsettling change.  This is vastly more realistic than the more New Age rendition that misattributes the notion of opportunity to the second character. We are in crisis.  These years are more… Read More

Here Comes New Hampshire — Time to Launch the 100 VOICES Primary Commentary

I want to see this country back to using its head.  Just common sense.  I’ve known some Congressmen and other people in Washington. They all kind of shrug their shoulders.  I have a Congressman friend I asked, “How many Senators and Congressmen do you admire for their intelligence?”  This man is very, very sharp.  He said, “About 20%.”  He said there are more idiots sitting in the Senate and in Congress than… Read More

Write Brain Change — guest blog by Dave Jarecki

Back in October I got a call from Dave Jarecki.  He had been assigned to me by the Lewis & Clark College Chronicle — the alumni magazine of the college where I’ve been a professor for well more than 20 years.  I was happy to know my school was pleased with the publication of 100 VOICES – AMERICANS TALK ABOUT CHANGE and wanted to have an article following its release.  Dave and I… Read More

Priming the EX:Change

Down the street @ Bloke http://blokepdx.com/, Justin-the-botanical-artist is well beyond priming – that happened back in October [EX:C blog, “Bloke – AKA, Barber Babes Redux,” 10-29-2011].  Now, since a few weeks before Thanksgiving, Bloke is hitting its prime for the cold weather Holiday season – the festivities that cry for decorative plants and flowers between Halloween and New Year’s Day.  Every time I see him these days, Justin is a little breathless, but… Read More


Several years ago I became aware of a newly formed nonprofit organization called Onward Oregon http://onwardoregon.org/. Shortly after learning of the organization, I received an e-mail inviting me to be on their mailing list. In that introductory email, following the words “What We Believe” came this: “We inherit the good that flowed from the people who came before us and the societies they created and will continue building on that foundation. The… Read More

A Squirrel Story

Wednesday morning, October 5, I was filling time before my mom arrived at the Portland airport.  She was on a nonstop from ATL that had left at 3 a.m. Pacific Time.  She turned 77 in September.  That’s a long way on little sleep.  She’s my hero! The real truth of the matter is, I had been a bit uber–intense (who me?) with getting the house clean and adorable enough for my mom… Read More