I just sent this email to the 504 people on my “EX:Change Friends and Family” list. Cool number, huh? 504. These are the people who, along the way — as I drove the highways of U.S. in early 2009 and in the time since have befriended me and the EX:Change project and asked to be kept updated. In ten days, what was once only and idea on a cold and rainy New Year’s Eve will show up… Read More
In a few days, when 100 Voices: Americans Talk about Change hits book stores, Marjan Baradar’s voice will be #91. Back in 2009, Marjan spoke of her optimism alongside her fear of the polarities in the country – she mentioned specifically the violence that can come of that. She spoke of the power of civic engagement and indicated her sense of such participation as a responsibility, a natural expression of being an… Read More
It’s 9-10-11. I just landed in Washington DC National Airport. Tonight my niece will be married on the banks of thePotomac– first of that generation. Wow – turn-turn-turn and all of that – change, for sure! Constancy, too. Expense, distance and daily matters of consequence set aside as all the family that can gathers. This is what families do. It’s one way we love each other, taking these opportunities to cinch up… Read More
It’s Labor Day. Over the course of our country’s history, one place many people have found work has been in the military. I’m not a military person. I know a few veterans and I like them but outside movies, newscasts and the anti-war protests I’ve been a part of over the years, I know almost nothing about military service. I hadn’t counted until now, but turns out six of the people who… Read More
There’s a spirit of listening – an inclination to learn – and for all but the most shy, a powerful desire to make social contact, to communicate, to hang out. EX:Change and the 100 Voices book (www.loudmouthpress.org) turn out to be living records of this spirit. I thought I was starting a project to learn about change – about what a popular word in a particular time meant to the people using… Read More
One of the things about straddling the generations of print and electronic media is that I still don’t quite understand the genre of “blogging.” That means I don’t know if I’m within or outside of convention with this particular post. Now that I think of it, it’s quite possible the idea of any convention relative to blogging isn’t even relevant to the genre which is probably very cool. Whatever the case, here… Read More
There are weeks when I think, “I have no idea what to write in this week’s blog.” Really. Lots of them. Then, without fail, events turn. They may be close in like with bus rides, or widespread like weather, or painful like the death of a dear one. They can also seem to have nothing to do with one another, and then, out of the nowhere of random neuron firings, I see… Read More
I have a friend in South Dakota who lives in a town that flooded last month. It was near completely under water. I have another friend who lives in Akiak, Alaska who told me about the tundra taking on a smell, thawing for the first time in his life or in the lives of his ancestors who have lived there for many thousand years. Then there was the photo my dad managed to… Read More
There are threads that run through a life. There’s the vague story of birth – the shifting shadows and bright spots childhood – the teen years, every one of them – and what came next and next and next. There are memories of scent and touch and sound. Images of faces and bedrooms and meals and travels. And there’s the land where you were raised. Today the ashes remaining from the 56-year-old… Read More
“I heard from the Idol people. I’m goin’ to LA in October!” Mr. Prude was at the bus stop Tuesday morning. “I went right to the Western Union office and sent my mom a telegraph. Next thing I know my phone was ringing and she was saying, ‘I knew you could do it!’” So this is how the story of Mr. Prude was unfolding for me. Here was a man I took… Read More