
20140226_082500sizedAcross her 30 years of experience as a consultant, speaker, professor and scholar, Mary Clare, Ph.D. has worked to support high character leadership that bridges diverse perspectives and priorities.

Working closely with NGO’s, higher education, government agencies, health care organizations, communities and schools, Dr. Clare has developed reliable consultation and coaching strategies, along with techniques for assessing and achieving collaboration by focusing on clarity of vision and communication.

Most recently she has extended her work to Full Ecology, crafting a psycho-ecological approach to the urgent realities of climate change. Together with her husband, nature writer Gary Ferguson, she looks to the integral connection between humans and nature to offer a guide to the path forward in these challenging times.

As a Fellow in the American Psychological Association, she has contributed over 100 articles to the scholarly literature and authored two books, most recently 100 Voices – Americans Talk about Change (2011), a book that reveals enduring wisdom and immediate guidance in times of sweeping cultural change.

In keeping with her experience and inquiry, Mary Clare’s philosophy is anchored in six core landmarks of successful leadership.

  • The intersection of integrity and inspiration.
    Where creativity may be sparked for “leaving this world a better place.”
  • Charts of where you are and where you are going.
    Instrumentation for mapping the terrain of high character leadership.
  • The balance of sustainability with change.
    Reliability, honesty and courage for moving forward in triumph and failure.
  • Tools of true service.
    Strategies to activate spirit, compassion and humility for success.
  • Listening through the noise.
    Instruments for evaluation, planning and communication.
  • A lifetime of learning.
    Leading from wisdom and genuine care.