Spirit & Faith
“We change up above, on our surfaces, but there’s that underlying constant that travels through all the changes. It’s something I don’t really have the words for. The only concrete thing I have, which isn’t concrete at all, is that deep soul feeling.” Lauren Kraakevik It’s an overcast but warm spring day in Portland, OR. I’m back down the street in the corner Starbuck’s where the staff have been so consistent in cheering… Read More
What’s in a Name?
“Know what that word, change, means. Know what this time means. Our getting together this morning to talk, what does it mean? Do you know what we are doing? What is in the journey? Where are we going?” Dr. Dapo Sobomehin This morning I had my annual dental appointment. You know, the one involving really sharp pointed hooks for scraping and poking, and the tiny rotary buffer dipped with clayish and vaguely peppermint tasting… Read More
American Connections
“It’s as old as humanity itself. Literature is filled with stories about the warriors who come face to face and discover that they’re actually destroying themselves.” Andy Walton This morning I had separate conversations with a sustainable energy professional, a poet, a Starbucks barista, a wildlife biologist and an ex-offender. All are Americans. All spoke of matters central to their lives. They were regular conversations, nothing special. The kind of chit chat… Read More
Change and Topography
Last year by this date, the EX:Change project had taken me, via Mini Cooper, across about 5000 miles. That’s a lot a lot of miles…and I was only half way. Already and more times than I can begin to recount, I’d been swept into that American road trip bonus: The mix of surprise and awe at another unfolding of landscape – even the stretches I’d seen so many times before. The land of this country… Read More
American Dreams
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver During this week last year, a comment appeared on the EX:Change blog from <expatrick>: “Asking people to put their dreams into words is asking a lot, but it also helps them get a step farther down their own path. These are people’s prayers you’re hearing.” The other thing I’m remembering from that time was… Read More
“I can’t do this alone.”
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” Howard Zinn Last night in the State of the Union Address, President Obama said these five words. “I can’t do this alone.” He said many notable things. Two in particular match well with what many of the people who make up the 100 voices of EX:Change were saying this time last year. The public officials elected by… Read More