Posted on October 8, 2015 by Mary Clare
Listening for a Change
Here’s a way things are working in the U.S. On January 21, 2009 I got in my car and drove south – then east – then north – then west. A rough rectangle of American highways. 10,000+ miles. I drove to listen to what people had to say. My question: What do you mean when you say the word change? In the process, my purpose led to my own enormous gain. That… Read More
Posted on August 5, 2015 by Mary Clare
3084 Miles of Road
“We’ve just driven the entire length of Interstate 84,” Sara said, “and we’re only in Utah.” She was in the driver’s seat at that moment, and we were 500+ miles east of Portland, Oregon – the hometown we’d left at sunrise, encased in a rectangular cube of mostly yellow – a rental truck filled up with Sara’s 28-year lifetime of belongings. For a mom and daughter, this is one of those big… Read More
Posted on November 14, 2014 by Mary Clare
Today with my Buddy, Wild Nature
Gary and I are on the road between Rexburg, Idaho and Portland, Oregon. Powdery fingers of snow insist on whispering across I 84 and, because of forecast warnings, we’re in close touch with Oregon family and friends to monitor this mid-November storm. This matters particularly today because we’re supposed to be on Hawthorne Avenue at Powell’s Books this evening. That alongside informed rumors of snow and ice that threaten to take hold… Read More