Has it really been 10 years: 100 VOICES

January 21, 2009, the day after the inauguration of the first Obama administration, I took off driving – south, then east, then north, then back west. I was interested in listening to everyday people. I wanted to know what they meant when they said that word – especially public in the preceding months – CHANGE. My goal was 100 voices in the first 100 days. Voices across as broad a range of… Read More

Succession – We’re in Great Hands

This week’s blog is a montage.  My qualification to put these images together here with my ideas about what I’ve seen and experienced of the Student Alliance Project arises only from the generosity with which the young adults of this thriving community organization have informed and befriended me as an ally. Last night I attended a celebration.  There were hundreds of people in a room that barely held them, sitting at circular… Read More

Amidst the Fuss about Mexican Immigration and Gay Marriage

Last night, I stood rinsing 50 plates, stacking in a small tower the ones that didn’t fit in the first run of the dishwasher.  Behind me a loosely coordinated team of cooks fussed over flan one woman had made. “I wasn’t expecting 50…!” she whispered.  “Loaves and fishes time,” said the mountainous man with the big hands and superb skill with savory and spice. These are other things I heard – “Is… Read More

The Hope in Opposition

NOTE:  An opposition in public discourse occurs when opinions on a given matter appear sharply polarized.  E.g., global warming is a problem: there’s no global warming.  From one view, opposition makes for intractability.  From another it makes for opportunity.  Listening and speaking across difference – the willingness and skill for that – makes the difference. A few trending Oppositions in admitted editorial rendering (i.e., I like all of us am biased by… Read More

“In casual conversation, how long does it take before someone starts complaining?”

I had Thanksgiving Dinner at the home of a Nigerian-American family.  My brother, Preston(since the dawn of our friendship we’ve been pretty sure we are twins separated at birth) and his wife, Michelle and their 5-year-old daughter, Rachel had invited me along on their Thanksgiving plans.  Preston, the host couple and three more guests share the fact of long ancestries, birth, childhood and young adulthood in Nigeria.  Although they did not meet… Read More


Today is only a day.  It is Saturday, the 4th of July weekend, and like every other day it has filled with moments linking up into hours, holding people and motion – holding change. This is how it went.  Sun rays angled across the morning sky.  I woke with two friends on my mind – two friends who are too close to death. Tom, a remarkable and kind educational leader, is here… Read More

Only a Person

Yesterday evening I walked into the little Whole Foods in my neighborhood.  It was actually more like late afternoon on a typically chilly, misty and too-soon-dark December 1 in Oregon.  But, I needed B vitamins and am always looking for a motive to get a bit of walking. I walked into the warmth of the store, headed toward the supplement area and turned a corner to see an older Tibetan man adorned… Read More

Stories on the Night After the Election

Jarred the grocery store guy told me a story last night. We were talking about his work – he’s something of a mid management type with responsibility for ensuring the identification and obstruction of shop lifters.  “Yeah.  I can recognize them because I’ve been there.  I wasn’t there long and I’m not proud of it, but that’s a big part of how I know them when I see them.” Jarred is in… Read More

Listening Across Difference – We’re All in This Together, Pt.1

“We’ve been majoring in the minors instead of the majors. We can get back to the little stuff.  Right now we need everybody together to deal with the big things.”  Tommy Business Consultant, Baptist Church leader, Republican Kerrville, TX  In the next few days, I’ll meet with two talented and otherwise fabulous grad students who have volunteered to help me with the ethnographic coding and analyses of all of these interviews.  While… Read More

What’s in a Name?

“Know what that word, change, means.  Know what this time means. Our getting together this morning to talk, what does it mean?  Do you know what we are doing?  What is in the journey?  Where are we going?” Dr. Dapo Sobomehin This morning I had my annual dental appointment.  You know, the one involving really sharp pointed hooks for scraping and poking, and the tiny rotary buffer dipped with clayish and vaguely peppermint tasting… Read More