The Hope in Opposition

NOTE:  An opposition in public discourse occurs when opinions on a given matter appear sharply polarized.  E.g., global warming is a problem: there’s no global warming.  From one view, opposition makes for intractability.  From another it makes for opportunity.  Listening and speaking across difference – the willingness and skill for that – makes the difference. A few trending Oppositions in admitted editorial rendering (i.e., I like all of us am biased by… Read More

An Hour of What’s Right with the World

Ben Merens (host of WPR’s At Issue) was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin when we talked last week.  I was on my friend’s landline; the landline a necessity for hooking into the WPR technology if you’re too far away to be sitting across the table from Ben.  She lives a few blocks away and was out of town visiting family in New York, but said “Yes.  Use the phone.  That will be great!”  So I… Read More

AIDS Lifecycle – “I’m doing this for all of us.”

“I am leaving on Saturday to join a team of medical professionals to support AIDS LifeCycle – a 7 day, 545 mile bike ride from San Francisco to LA.”  These were the first words of an email I received this week from Calliope Crane (Voice 99 in 100 Voices – Americans Talk about Change). Calliope and her cycling companions are pictured here.  In the way people in this country do with pretty… Read More

Warming Trend and the Cool Constant of Cooperation

Today is the third above 70 degrees in Wisconsin.  Locals clearly love it.  So do I. And … really?  70’s in late winter here in a U.S. state that shares a rather large lake (Superior) with the Canadian state of Ontario? Maybe it’s the Texan in me who can’t imagine anyplace else acting in total defiance of the seasons.  Maybe it’s my vigilant interest in our reading the trends to avert calamitous… Read More

SC to FLA – Why Read the 100 VOICES Blogs on the Primaries??

It looked like a done deal to lots of folks who are paid to make authoritative calls on such things.  Chances were slim, they said a week ago, that Gingrich, Perry or Santorum could stage a comeback in the South Carolina primary that took place last Saturday.  It’s heard of, but none of those campaigns appeared anywhere near as strong as Romney’s given the current playing field with its corporations=people, money=free speech rulebook. Enter… Read More

What am I Doing Here? OCCUPYING CHANGE.

Here we are.  In crisis.  Together. The truth of the oft cited Chinese logograph for crisis is that it holds two characters, one connoting danger and the other signifying a point of uncertainty, a critical moment, a point of profound and unsettling change.  This is vastly more realistic than the more New Age rendition that misattributes the notion of opportunity to the second character. We are in crisis.  These years are more… Read More

EX:Change Gift Idea — 100 VOICES

Listen to the voices of your neighbors.  One hundred voices from across the U.S.  All talking about change.  All speaking their dreams. Give the book to yourself, to friends or family.  Join us in the EX:Change as it continues to offer its invitation to all of us — Listen to each other.  See what is there in those with whom you think you have nothing in common.  See what is there in… Read More

Priming the EX:Change

Down the street @ Bloke, Justin-the-botanical-artist is well beyond priming – that happened back in October [EX:C blog, “Bloke – AKA, Barber Babes Redux,” 10-29-2011].  Now, since a few weeks before Thanksgiving, Bloke is hitting its prime for the cold weather Holiday season – the festivities that cry for decorative plants and flowers between Halloween and New Year’s Day.  Every time I see him these days, Justin is a little breathless, but… Read More


Several years ago I became aware of a newly formed nonprofit organization called Onward Oregon Shortly after learning of the organization, I received an e-mail inviting me to be on their mailing list. In that introductory email, following the words “What We Believe” came this: “We inherit the good that flowed from the people who came before us and the societies they created and will continue building on that foundation. The… Read More

Video of this Week’s Book Release Event

Books shipped on October 1.  By Thursday night at Annie Bloom’s Bookstore in Portland, OR the word was out enough to draw a full house for the first public reading from 100 VOICES – AMERICANS TALK ABOUT CHANGE.  We were thrilled with the turn out and completely delighted with the fact that the store sold out of books. Now, thanks to the talent and generosity of friend and volunteer, Jesse Combs here… Read More