3084 Miles of Road

“We’ve just driven the entire length of Interstate 84,” Sara said, “and we’re only in Utah.” She was in the driver’s seat at that moment, and we were 500+ miles east of Portland, Oregon – the hometown we’d left at sunrise, encased in a rectangular cube of mostly yellow – a rental truck filled up with Sara’s 28-year lifetime of belongings. For a mom and daughter, this is one of those big… Read More

So, where do we go from here?

  “I think change is trying new things and trying to see if something works for the better or for the worse. ” Alcena, HighTech High LA Yesterday, Bob Herbert used his column in the New York Times  http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/09/opinion/09herbert.html?th&emc=th to lift the curtain on the economic numbers behind the ‘average. ’  On average, as reported this past week jobless rates were vastly improved – i.e., decreased. Herbert quotes a recent Center for Labor Market Studies report:… Read More