Leap Year and Minding the Gap

It happens relatively rarely in a lifetime, this date that adjusts for the inaccuracies in our calendar.  I can’t help but take comfort in the reminder that human ingenuity requires human fallibility. Dine (Navajo) weavers, Yakama beadworkers, Appalachian quilters sometimes become so good at their crafts that they purposefully place mistakes in their work.  It’s an act of humility, recognition that nothing humanly constructed can be perfect.  Most of us don’t need… Read More


3-13-2009 A bench facing the Hudson Manhattan Island It’s Friday the 13th. My interview schedule has fallen apart due in large part to equipment weirdness. Symptomatic, maybe of it being Friday the 13th? Whatever the case, I’ve given in and am now sitting in the 40 degree sunlight – all wrapped up and warm. I’m looking at the Hudson River, the way the afternoon light shows off its silver and enduring majesty… Read More